Stupid factor 10
This is Dax, our American Pit bull Terrier (yes, the breed that
everyone is afraid of) don't make any sudden moves - you'll be
licked to death.

Stupid factor 10
Just doesn't get any more stupid than this. |

Stupid factor 10
Factor 10 not because of the dogs, because of the
owners who were stupid enough to let dogs carve pumpkins. |

Stupid Factor 8
Dax has been known to stare at people, mirrors and
other inanimate objects for long periods of time. I like to think
she is pondering her existence, or perhaps contemplating the properties
of dark matter. |
Stupid Factor 5
This is Brian with Chan, yes another Pit bull, but
this one has some Shar pei thrown into the mix. She is a wonderful
dog but is in a constant state of acute paranoia and stubbornidis.
This would be a stupid factor 10 but my presence cancels out about
half of the stupidness.

Stupid factor 3
What nap would be complete without the Stupid Living
Dog Blanket. This picture would be a stupid factor 0 but
Dax cancels out about 30% of Jill's unstupidness.

Stupid Factor 8
Never change the sheets around a stupid dog.

Stupid Factor 10
Stupid Dog + Stupid Toy = Stupid Dog Photo

Stupid Factor 6
Stupid Factor 10+
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Can anyone help us? |